
The Arts Ed Collective identifies and shares effective tools and practices with the field-at-large. Check this page for the latest resources.


California State PTA in partnership with Create CA is pleased to launch the Parents’ Guide to the Visual and Performing Arts in California Public Schools. This guide provides an overview of what your child will learn in the arts disciplines of dance, music, theatre and the visual arts by the end of each grade level. Learn More    
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
As the Innovation Lab continues to expand its work, resources as well as updated drafts will be added to this page. Documents labeled as drafts, such as the Theory of Change, are archival. Learn More    
A declaration which outlines each student’s right to have access to high-quality public arts education, regardless of their background, culture, language or geographic location. Learn More    
Title 1 Arts provides resources for school leaders who wish to embrace arts programming among their strategies for achieving Title I goals. Learn more    
The Arts Ed Data Project is designed to increase participation in arts education across the state by analyzing and reporting school-level data on arts education courses and grades 6 through 12 enrollment. It provides important information to education leaders, teachers and parents about levels of access to and enrollment in arts courses in schools. Explore Data    
Here you will find professional learning modules focused on many key topics that support arts learning and Common Core Standards. Creativity at the Core, Module 11      
Teaching Artists Guild(TAG) is dedicated to collecting shared knowledge and resources, to establish Teaching Artists as equally valued peers with partners in education, community and social services. Teaching Artists Guild      
The Insider’s Guide to Arts Education Planning provides a hands-on, how-to planning process for schools, districts, and counties, which enables them to assess, envision, and implement quality, equitable, visual and performing arts programs for their students. Read the Handbook    
Synthesizing extensive research of arts education practice across the United States, this handbook is a guide to designing arts education professional development for K-12 classroom teachers and provides a searchable database of 50 arts learning communities. Download Full Handbook