Since 1997 24th STreet Theatre has been a leader in Arts Education, both in LA and nationally, by providing world-class theatre field trips, school residencies, and professional development workshops that teachers actually love! 24th STreet Theatre is a unique organization blending professional children’s theatre and world class Arts Education.
24th STreet’s acclaimed educational programming is created by award-winning director/educator Debbie Devine, who also heads the drama department at the prestigious Colburn School, is a theatrical director/acting coach for the LA Philharmonic, and is certified by the Los Angeles County Arts Commission’s teaching artist training program. Devine won the USC Rossier School of Education’s Rose Award for innovation and leadership in the field of Arts Education.
24th STreet’s productions have won the coveted LA Drama Critics Circle Award, Ovation Awards, LA Weekly Awards, and the national TCG (Theatre Communications Group) Peter Zeisler Award for Outstanding Achievement in the American Theatre.
ENTER STAGE RIGHT field trip program offers students and teachers an introduction to the live theatre they will never forget!
This proven program has been adored by over 75,000 students and teachers. (1) It begins with an in-class Theatre workshop for each classroom participating. The art form is introduced in such a fun way that student will be on their feet creating artists tableaux before they have time to feel shy about it. By the end of the first workshop, your students will be proudly thinking of themselves as a theatre artists. (2) Then, students and teachers take a field trip to LA’s most charming professional theatre for an interactive, live theatre performance that spans from the ancient Greeks to 21st century multi-media. ESR was built to connect to the VAPA standards, and thus satisfy many different areas of standards based learning. ESR is a private performance for up to 100 students and teachers, so that your school has it’s very own exclusive show. (3) Our teaching artists return to your school following your performance at 24th STreet Theatre to help your students unpack all they experienced at the theatre. The cost of an ESR fieldtrip package includes two busses, the Pre and Post-field trip in-class workshops and the field trip to the theatre.
IN-SCHOOL RESIDENCIES are also available with 24th STreet's teaching artists and are customized to fit your school’s needs.
Here’s a PD workshop that your teachers will actually thank you for. 24th STreet’s Teaching As a Performing Art PD workshops help educators remember why they became teachers. Our PD’s nurture teachers’ spirits while giving them practical theatre tools to incorporate in their classrooms. TAPA PD’s teach educators to use theatre as Arts Integration with other content areas while also giving teachers new confidence in their storytelling and performing skills. And best of all, we’ll host your PD right here on the stage of our professional theatre, with live music and all the elements which adds great fun and magic to the experience. WE also do in-school PD’s and can customize our content for special school or district needs. VAPA and English-Language Arts Content Standards are incorporated in all phases of the program. Thousands of educators across the U.S. have benefitted from TAPA PD workshops!