Los Angeles Arts Group (L.A. Arts Group) is committed to excellence in arts education and believes the arts are powerful tools for expression and communication and vital to the development of every child. Our goal is to provide high quality, standards-based arts education for grades K-12 in creative environment that promotes collaboration and respect. Our programs aim to engage students, teachers and the community to provide learning in and through the arts. L.A. Arts Group consists of trained and experienced professional artists in dance, music, theatre and visual arts.
Artist residencies and workshops are aligned with the Visual and Performing Arts Standards and designed to integrate the arts with other subject areas. Teaching Artists bring professional experience, skills, and content knowledge in the art form, and collaborates with teachers to meet grade-level curricular standards. Students learn arts content, vocabulary, and skills, and have opportunities to develop self-expression, communication, and collaboration. The number of workshops depends on school/district goals for depth of student learning.