Arts and Justice Reform

“Energy” by youth artists from Challenger Memorial Youth Center (Lancaster), in collaboration with artist Joseph Montalvo of the Armory Center for the Arts. Photo by Cam Sanders, courtesy of Arts for Incarcerated Youth Network.

Our Work

In December 2018, the Board of Supervisors passed the Investing in Justice-Involved Individuals Through the Arts motion, directing the Department of Arts and Culture and other County agencies to develop recommendations for further elevating and sustaining the arts as a criminal justice reform strategy. This work was galvanized when our arts and criminal justice reform efforts with the Probation Department were recognized by the national Art for Justice Fund grant award.

In Spring 2020, the LA County Board of Supervisors adopted the goals of the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture’s "Countywide Plan for Elevating the Arts as a Criminal Justice Reform Strategy", furthering the transition of LA County’s justice system from a punishment-based model to one that embraces trauma-informed and healing-centered approaches.

Have Questions?

If you have questions or would like additional information about this work, please contact Gregg Johnson, Program Manager, Arts Education at 213-202-5933 or