
The new LA County Regional Blueprint for Arts Education (Arts Ed Blueprint) envisions positive child and youth development that addresses large-scale societal inequities, fosters social-emotional development, promotes healing, builds cohesion and cultural identity, and uplifts communities through the arts. With a growing network to build capacity within and across the field, and to advance policy change in ways that benefit all youth in LA County, it establishes three primary goals for achieving scale, equity, and quality in arts education:

  1. Develop systems and infrastructure that expand and sustain arts education for all young people in all schools, and in all communities.
  2. Build and strengthen partnerships and collaborations to create, expand and leverage resources for arts education.
  3. Increase public awareness about the importance of arts education and mobilize stakeholders to advocate for robust implementation.

School-Based Arts Education

Strategic Planning & Coaching
Work with school districts to create and implement arts education policies and strategic plans.
Advancement Grants
Advance key strategies through matching grants to school districts.
Technology Enhanced Arts Learning (TEAL)
Provide professional development in arts integration for K-6 educators.

Community-Based Arts Education

Youth in Detention
Ensure year-round arts instruction for youth in all detention facilities.
Youth in Parks, Diversion, and Foster Care
Support youth development through healing-informed arts instruction.

Creative Career Pathways for Youth

Advance youth opportunities and access to jobs in creative industries through development of an online tool and launch of Media Careers Pathways for Youth in County parks.

Shared Learning and Leadership

Community Learning
Support stakeholders with shared learning and networking opportunities.
Community and Regional Leadership
Engage youth and community-based stakeholders in guiding implementation of the new Arts Ed Blueprint; engage regional/state leaders in advancing scale and equity in arts education.

Communications and Advocacy

Build awareness and momentum for ongoing, collective implementation of the new Arts Ed Blueprint.

Research and Evaluation

Collect annual data on arts instruction provided in schools; develop a plan for tracking progress over time.